The Saraswati Auditorium of New Era Public School, Mayapuri reverberated with the sound of Indian classical music on 27th January 2023. The renowned Indian maestro Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt blessed the students and staff of the school with his music, accompanied by Shri Himanshu Mahant on Tabla.
In the one-hour long performance, Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt displayed his prowess with Mohan Veena, a unqiue instrument, a blend of Guitar and Veena, credited to him. He interacted with the students and checked their knowledge of certain nuances of music. The students of the school answered all questions and received praise from Pandit Ji.
The Founder Principal and Director of New Era Public School Mrs. Usha Chopra presented a shawl to Pandit Ji and Shri Himanshu, as a tribute from the school. She expressed her gratitude to the maestro for honouring the school with his presence and lauded SPIC MACAY, the movement which promotes Indian classical music, dance forms and culture and brings illustrious artists to schools and colleges.
This event further strengthened the school's association with SPIC MACAY and promoted interest in classical music in the students of the school.